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Scientific advisor honoured
25 February 2013
The Maurice Wilkins Centre is delighted that renowned scientist and innovator Dr Jillian (Jilly) Evans, a member of its scientific advisory board, is to receive a Distinguished Alumni Award from The University of Auckland. She will receive the award at a gala dinner in Auckl...
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Rheumatic fever investment welcomed by Maurice Wilkins Centre
19 February 2013
The announcement of funding for a trans-Tasman project to investigate potential vaccines for rheumatic fever has been welcomed by the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, New Zealand’s Centre of Research Excellence tackling major human diseases.
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New mechanism regulating insulin secretion may explain genetic susceptibility to diabetes
4 February 2013
New Zealand research revealing a new mechanism for how glucose stimulates insulin secretion may provide a new explanation for how a gene that makes people more susceptible to diabetes – called TCF7L2 – actually contributes to the disease.
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