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Molecule discovery leads to life-changing drug and collaboration of worldclass peptide chemistry

3 April 2023



Distinguished Professor and Deputy Director of MWC Dame Margaret Brimble discovered the molecule in 2001 that led to the life-changing neurological drug Trofinetide, approved by the FDA this  March. The world leading molecular chemist is extremely proud of how the Trofinetide work has helped spearhead a wide range of scientific pursuit.

“The Trofinetide work became a catalyst that propelled the formation of a specialist Peptide Chemistry Laboratory in the Brimble Laboratory which, in turn, has drawn together the talent of some highly skilled early career researchers with support by MWC.”

“What we have been able to achieve and continue to pursue since that first research identifying Trofinetide is a real showcase and testament to the world-class peptide chemistry from many dedicated scientists and collaborators across MWC.”

More about Trofinetide and its journey as the first neurological drug to be discovered by a New Zealander to be approved by the FDA, and Dame Margaret’s team’s latest work reinvestigating two existing last-line-of-defence antibiotics is published here in the UniNews.