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MWC investigator backs COVID-19 vaccine search
27 May 2020
New Zealand scientists have already identified a number of potential COVID-19 vaccine candidates, according to Associate Professor James Ussher, MWC Associate Investigator at the University of Otago.
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COVID-19 antibody testing underway in MWC labs
22 May 2020
MWC Principal Investigator Dr Nikki Moreland, Immunologist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland, is working with a team of researchers on lab-based COVID-19 antibody tests in a bid to better understand the body's immune response to the virus.
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MWC researchers identify novel drug target for TB
14 May 2020
Several researchers from the Maurice Wilkins Centre are co-authors on a recent paper reporting a novel mechanism for controlling the synthesis of essential vitamin K2 in the bacterial pathogen that causes tuberculosis.
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MWC team awarded funding for COVID-19 research
3 May 2020
MWC researchers at the University of Auckland have been awarded Auckland Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) funding to investigate whether certain types of patent could be used for COVID-19 antiviral drug development.
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