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Take COVID-19 lockdown seriously - MWC investigator
25 March 2020
Professor Michael Baker, MWC Associate Investigator at the University of Otago's Department of Public Health, has played a leading role in providing COVID-19-related public health advice to New Zealanders.
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MWC investigators developing COVID-19 tests
19 March 2020
Maurice Wilkins Centre researchers are responding to the COVID-19 crisis, developing tools to fight the disease.
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MWC researcher awarded Toloa Tertiary Scholarship
7 March 2020
In early March 2020, the Ministry for Pacific Peoples awarded a Toloa Tertiary Scholarship to Ms Zanetta Toomata, a University of Auckland student actively involved with various MWC research studies.
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New imaging improves our understanding of the immune system
4 March 2020
Maurice Wilkins Centre researchers have used novel imaging technology to reveal the structure and inner workings of entire lymph nodes, core components of the body’s immune system.
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