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How to join the MWC network

The Maurice Wilkins Centre welcomes expressions of interest from researchers to join our network. The Centre also encourages our current investigators to progress into other membership categories relevant to their current research and/or career stage.

The Centre is a community and network of researchers and clinicians across New Zealand.

See below for details on joining the various MWC membership categories and committees. Or contact us for more information.


How to become an Affiliate Investigator?

Researchers, including post-doctoral fellows, MSc and PhD students, or a professional staff actively engaged in research, can self-nominate by completing our online form.  Nominations are approved by the Directorate.

Appointment criteria:

  • Nominee should be either an MSc or PhD student, a post-doctoral/research fellow, or a professional staff actively engaged in research.
  • Nominee should have research interests and/or skills that fit within the themes of the MWC.

Benefits of being a MWC Affiliate Investigator include:

  • Eligibility for funding under Category 2 of the MWC Flexible Research Programme 'New Research Initiatives'. (Must be at postdoctoral level to be a project leader.)
  • Eligibility for funding under Category 3 of the MWC Flexible Research Programme 'Access to Specialised Facilities and Equipment'.
  • Eligibility for funding under Category 4 of the MWC Flexible Research Programme Fund 'Access to specialised international and national training and international facilities'.
  • Invitations to MWC events and workshops, including special events focusing on mentoring and career development.
  • Inclusion on mailing lists for MWC newsletters and MWC Facebook news and alerts.


How to become or progress into an Associate Investigator?

Associate Investigators are experienced researchers who significantly contribute to the Centre's research and outreach programmes.

Recommendations to join or progress into an Associate Investigator role are considered by the Directorate. Appointments are evaluated on criteria that include the fit of the nominee's research interests and skills with the MWC research themes, their willingness to collaborate with other MWC investigators, and their capacity for research leadership and independence.

Appointment criteria:

  • Nominee should be employed in an academic or research position in a New Zealand institution that is affiliated with the MWC, and be based in New Zealand.
  • Nominee should have research interests and/or skills that fit within the themes of the MWC.
  • Nominee should demonstrate a willingness to collaborate with other MWC Investigators.
  • Nominee should have demonstrated a capacity for leadership and independence in research, either as a group leader or a senior member of a research group, with experience in independent fund raising and supervision or co-supervision of postgraduate and/or technical staff.

Contact us for details about how to become an Associate Investigator.


How to progress into a Principal Investigator?

Principal Investigators are appointed at the beginning of each CoRE TEC grant and have the expertise to lead specific areas of the MWC research programme or to lead initiatives of strategic importance.

The contribution of Principal Investigators to Centre programmes will be reviewed internally by the Directorate, concurrently with any mid-term review of the Centre or prior if required. Recommendations of re-appointment or new appointments will be provided to the MWC Board for approval.

Those who are interested in becoming a Principal Investigator in the future should discuss this with the MWC Director.


How to become a Clinical Associate?

MWC investigators include practising clinicians, so clinical challenges and ideas are actively promulgated through the MWC's research programmes.


Criteria for Clinical Associates:

  • Practising clinician
  • Track record in research in fields related to cancer, diabetes/metabolism, infectious disease OR a direct involvement in an MWC research project OR the intention to become directly involved in an MWC research project
  • Willingness to link MWC into both clinical communities and linked communities such as patient groups and allied health professionals
  • Interested in engaging with MWC in research, potentially providing:
    • Clinical advice to inform research programmes
    • Developing opportunities for new collaborative research with MWC groups
    • Connection to clinical trials opportunities
    • Connection to samples needed for MWC research
    • Ability to facilitate translational research, informing the MWC about places where our research could help out

Opportunities for Clinical Associates:

  • Collaboration with MWC investigators on existing research programmes, including opportunities to participate in lab-based research and gain training in cutting edge research techniques
  • Access to funding and infrastructure for support of new collaborative research projects
  • Financial and administrative support to host academic visitors from within NZ or overseas (MWC Visiting Speakers programme)
  • Access to advanced laboratory services to enhance clinical trials (e.g. adding investigator-led analysis to industry-sponsored trials)

Other potential roles for Clinical Associates (time permitting):

  • Participation in Investigator Strategy Fora and Flagship workshops to help guide MWC research strategy
  • Planning and enabling clinical trials involving therapies discovered in NZ by MWC investigators
  • Enabling better connection and communication between MWC researchers and patient groups
  • Participation in MWC training programmes, e.g. career development events for young scientists, and individual mentoring
  • Promotion of the MWC nationally and internationally

Contact us for details about how to become an Clinical Associate.


How to join the Early Career Steering Committee?

The Early Career Steering Committee (ECSC) reviews its membership annually. During this process, a call for expressions of interest to join the Committee is sent to the MWC network.

Recommendations for new ECSC members are made by the ECSC Chair to the Directorate for approval.


How to join the Te Roopu Kōkiri`?

Te Roopu Kōkiri aims to provide a whare whakaruruhou (safe space) for Māori researchers within the MWC, as well enabling an independent Māori voice and lens towards the current and future research being undertaken within the MWC research programme.

MWC investigators who whakapapa Māori are invited to join this roopu. Contact the MWC Kaiārahi for more information on how to join.