Our People
The Maurice Wilkins Centre's affiliate investigators include early to mid career researchers and the large cohort of PhD and MSc students supported by the Centre. The Centre is proud to be training the next generation of scientific leaders, and provides career development opportunities specifically targeted to its affiliates.
New Affiliates can join through our online form.
Affiliate Investigators
Dr Allison Miller
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia - University of Otago (Wellington)
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Auckland University of Technology School of Science
Dr Filipina Amosa-Lei Sam
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology and Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Miss Marina Barcellos
School of Science - University of Waikato
Dr Fareeda Barzak
Post-Doctoral Fellow - University of Otago
PhD Student - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology - University of Otago
Miss Bwenaua Biiri
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
MSc Student - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Mr Alex Bohles
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Miss Kerrin Bone
University of Otago
School of Pharmacy - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Mrs Kirsten Browne-Cole
School of Health and School of Science - University of Waikato
Miss Kaitlin Buick
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington /Malaghan Institute
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Natural Sciences - Massey University
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Miss Shaharn Cameron
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Medical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Miss Lena Cassin
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Dr Erin Cawston
Research Fellow - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Miss Suzie Chan
PhD Student - The University of Auckland
Miss Cassandra Chapman
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Canterbury
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Dr Hannah Darroch
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
School of Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland / Plant & Food Research
Mr Florian Baptiste De Pol
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Mrs Harman Dhaliwal
School of Biomedical Sciences - Auckland University of Technology
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Miss Jess Dunlop
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Miss Atreyi Dutta
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Ms Emma Duffy
PhD Student - Auckland University of Technology
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Institute of Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Ms Akazong Wonanke Etheline
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences - University of Canterbury
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Mr Chenyun (Charlie) Fang
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
Centre for Free Radical Research - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Miss Sonya Fenton
University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Ms Chloe Flemming
PhD Student - University of Waikato
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences - University of Canterbury
Institute of Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
PhD Student - University of Otago
Dr Rebecca French
Post-Doctoral Fellow - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Chemistry - University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology - University of Otago
Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
University of Otago
Mr Anton Gibson
PhD Student - University of Auckland
Miss Olyvia Gill
University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Dunedin School of Medicine - University of Otago
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Centre for Free Radical Research - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Ms Joke Grans
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Research Centre - University of Auckland
Miss Janhavi Gujadhur
MSc Student - University of Otago
University of Otago
Institute of Fundamental Sciences - Massey University
School of Biological Sciences- Victoria University of Wellington
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Health - University of Waikato
University of Otago
Miss Kate Harding
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Surgery - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health - University of Otago (Wellington)
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Chemistry - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Miss Mia Hillock
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences - University of Canterbury
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Surgery - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Mr Matthew Howes
Division of Health Sciences - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Ms Yuchen He
Research Fellow - University of Auckland
School of Medicine - Unviersity of Auckland
Dunedin School of Medicine - University of Otago
Miss Lamia Ismail
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
University of Otago
Da Jing
PhD Student - Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Food Nutrition & Health - AgResearch
PhD Student - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Chemistry - University of Canterbury
Department Biomedicine and Medical Diagnostics - Auckland University of Technology
Miss Reem Khalaf
School of Science - Auckland University of Technology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology - University of Otago
Ms Hannah Klaus
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology & Dunedin School of Medicine - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
PhD Student - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Natural Sciences - Massey University
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Mathematics and Statistics - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago, Christchurch
Hul Juan (Janny) Lau
Department of Medicine - University of Otago
Ms Anau Lautaha
Department of Chemistry - Auckland University of Technology
Department of Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Faculty of Medical and Health Science - University of Auckland & Plant and Food Research
Dr Lynley Lewis
Senior Research Fellow - University of Otago, Christchurch
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Mr Lei Li
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Miss Siting Li
School of Biomedical Sciences - Auckland University of Technology
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry and Te Tumu: The School of Māori, Pacific, and Indigenous Studies - University of Otago
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Ms Emily Liu
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Miss Rebecca Lord
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Miss Emily Lott
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Miss Anita Lu
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Miss Caitlin MacRae
PhD Student - University of Otago
Ms Marina Mahler
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Surgical Sciences - Unviersity of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Faculty of medical health sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Science - University of Waikato
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemsitry - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Mackenzie Cancer Research Group - University of Otago (Christchurch)
School of Biological Sciences - University of Canterbury
Miss Anastasiia Mozhegova
Department of Chemistry - University of Otago
Department of Ophthalmology - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland
Department of Nutrition & Dietetics - University of Auckland
School of Population Health - University of Auckland
Miss Kristina Olujic Milosevic
PhD Student - University of Otago
Department of Medicine - University of Auckland
Ms Sajeevani Narasinghe
MSc Student - Auckland University of Technology
Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia - University of Otago (Wellington)
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Auckland Bioengineering Institute - University of Auckland
Applied Technologies - Callaghan Innovation Limited
Ms Natasha Nipper
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Medical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Science - University of Waikato
Ms Helen Kim Opel-Reading
PhD student - University of Otago
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Dr Audrys Pauza - University of Auckland
Research Fellow - Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Physiology, New Zealand
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Science - University of Waikato
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Miss Stella Park
Auckland University of Technology
Miss Isabella Parsons-Dyhrberg
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Physiology - University of Otago
Department of Surgery - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Miss Kelly Peterken
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Pathological and Biomedical Science - University of Otago (Christchurch)
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Medical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
Department of Biomedicine and Medical Diagnostics - Auckland University of Technology
Mx Rue Parker
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
PhD Student - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Ms Jennie Ramirez-Garcia
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
University of Otago
Dr George Randall
Post-Doctoral Fellow - University of Otago
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Department of Anatomy - University of Otago
Postdoctoral Scientist - Nanophage Technologies
School of Medical Sciences - University of Auckland
Post-Doctoral Fellow - Auckland University of Technology
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine - University of Otago (Wellington)
Ferrier Research Institute and School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Post-Doctoral Fellow - University of Auckland
School of Science - University of Waikato
Post-Doctoral Fellow - Univerisity of Otago
Department of Physiology, Centre for Neuroendocrinology - University of Otago
Mr Javier Ruiz-Vargas
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Associate Professor Ilva Rupenthal
Department of Ophthalmology - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
School of Biological sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Ms Mathilda Saunders
PhD student - Auckland University of Technology
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
College of Health Sciences - University of Otago
Mr Sayan Sharma
PhD student - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Mr Thomas Skurr
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Population Health - University of Auckland
College of Sciences - Massey University
Mr O'Rorke (Rory) Smith
University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Miss Matigan Smith
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Surgery and Critical Care - University of Otago (Christchurch)
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences & School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Miss Danielle Sword
University of Otago & Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Dr Jamie Taka
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Dr Zoe Tasma
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology - University of Otago
School of Chemical & Physical Sciences - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Medicine - University of Otago (Christchurch)
Miss Madeleine Thompson
University of Otago
Miss Kaitlyn Tippett
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Otago Micro and Nanoscale Imaging, Research Infrastructure, Health Sciences Division - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
Miss Victoria Toms
Department of Pharmacology - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Medicine - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Department of Biochemistry - University of Otago
Miss Chelsea Tyler
School of Pharmacy - University of Otago
Mrs Jessica Usu
School of Science - University of Waikato
Ms Isa de Vries
MSc Student - University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Science - University of Waikato
School of Product Design - University of Canterbury
Department of Surgery and Anaesthesia - University of Otago (Wellington)
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Miss Emma Walker
Department of Biological Sciences - University of Waikato
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
School of Chemical Sciences- University of Auckland
Department of Molecular Medicine - University of Auckland
Mr Jack (Yuxiang) Wang
School of Biomedical Sciences - Auckland University of Technology
Ms Selena Wang
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Post-Doctoral Fellow - University of Otago
Department of Nutrition - University of Auckland
MSc Student - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Ms Elisa Weiss
MSc - University of Auckland
Dr Patricia Whitfield
Department of Medicine, University of Otago (Wellington)
University of Otago
Mr Patrick Wightman
PhD Student - University of Waikato
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Dr Emma Wilkinson
Department of Medicine, Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Liggins Institute - University of Auckland
Ferrier Research Institute - Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Department of Pharmacology - University of Auckland
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Department of Pathology - University of Otago
University of Otago
Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre - University of Auckland
School of Biological Sciences - University of Auckland
School of Chemical Sciences - University of Auckland
Department of Microbiology and Immunology - University of Otago
Department of Molecular Medicine and Pathology - University of Auckland
Miss Qi Zheng
Department of Pathology - University of Otago
Department of Pathology and Biomedical Science - University of Otago (Christchurch)