Pilin protein may combat the hairy problem of human pathogens
MWC investigations into the puzzle of a nanoscopic skyscraper – ‘the pilus’ – have sparked separate lines of research into no...
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MWC researchers ramp up international infectious disease work
The MWC has long recognised the value in investing in research to fight infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), which ...
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High-impact publications highlight TB research
Researchers in the MWC’s Tuberculosis Flagship Research Programme have had their long hours in the lab recognised through pub...
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Early career researchers zoom in on an important drug target
An estimated 1.3 million people die from tuberculosis (TB) each year, and new drugs are desperately needed, especially as res...
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New Zealand TB research tackles international problem
A 2014 pilot study funded by the Maurice Wilkins Centre’s Flexible Research Programme has led to a larger investigation into ...
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