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Centre celebrates science communication award
28 November 2013
Maurice Wilkins Centre investigator Dr Siouxsie Wiles from the University of Auckland was honoured at the Royal Society of New Zealand’s awards ceremony last night.
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Prestigious honour for two Centre investigators
21 November 2013
The Maurice Wilkins Centre is celebrating the election of two of its incoming principal investigators as Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
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Maurice Wilkins Centre hosts rheumatic fever symposium
26 March 2013
A Maurice Wilkins Centre symposium this week attracted world experts to New Zealand to discuss group A streptococcus (the bacterium that causes rheumatic fever), with a focus on potential vaccine strategies.
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Rheumatic fever investment welcomed by Maurice Wilkins Centre
19 February 2013
The announcement of funding for a trans-Tasman project to investigate potential vaccines for rheumatic fever has been welcomed by the Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, New Zealand’s Centre of Research Excellence tackling major human diseases.
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