Pacific Health //


Ko e ha ‘a e Maurice Wilkins Centre? (What is the Maurice Wilkins Centre?)

Ko e Maurice Wilkins Centre ko e fakatahataha’anga ia ‘o ha kau saienisi ‘oku nau fai ha fekumi mo ha fakatotolo ‘o fakataumu’a ke toe fakalakalaka ange ai ‘a e tūkunga ‘o e mo’ui lelei ‘a e kakai ‘i ‘Aotearoá mo tu’apule’anga foki.

The Maurice Wilkins Centre is a community of scientists that do research with the aim to improve health and wellbeing in Aotearoa and beyond.

Ko e langa ngāué ni ‘oku fai’aki ia ‘a e fengāue’aki fakataha ‘a e kau tu’ukimu’a 'i he fekumí mo e fakatotoló mei he ngaahi mala’e kehekehe ‘o e mo’ui leleí ke fokotu’utu’u ha ngaahi founga fo’ou ‘e lava ke toe fakalakalaka ange ai ‘a e mo’ui lelei ‘o tautefito ki he kakai Maorí mo e Pasifikí.

This community is built from a collaborative network of experts in health research, working together to develop ways to improve health and address health inequities faced by Māori and Pacific communities in Aotearoa.


Ko e ha ‘a e ngāue ‘oku mau fakahoko? (What do we do?)

‘Oku fakatāfataha ‘a e fekumi ‘a e Maurice Wilkins Centre ki he mahaki kanisā, mahaki pipihi mo e ngaahi mahaki ‘o hangē ko e suka mo kauti - he ‘oku hoko ia 'i hono liliu ‘e he sinó ‘a e me’akaí mo e me’ainú ke ma’u ai ha ivi

Maurice Wilkins Centre research focuses on cancer, infectious diseases, and also diseases that affect our metabolism, such as diabetes and gout.

‘Oku mau teke foki mo fengāue’aki mo e komiunitī ke toe kakato mo mahino lelei ange ‘a e ‘ilo ki he mo’ui lelei pea mo hono  mahu’inga e huhu malu’i, sinaki talatala ke ‘ilo mo faito’o kei taimi ha mahaki pea mo e fekumi ki ha ngaahi founga faito’o fo’ou.

We also drive community outreach to improve health literacy and raise awareness in areas such as vaccination, early diagnosis of diseases, and developing new treatments.

‘Oku mau taki ‘a e fekumi ki he ‘uhinga ‘oku lahi ange ai ‘a e mahamahaki ‘oku hoko ki he mo’ui ‘a e kakai Māori mo Pasifiki pea ke fai ha fengāu’aki mo e ngaahi komiunitī ko’ení ke nau kau mai ki he fakatotolo ‘oku fakahoko.

We lead research to address significant health inequities faced by Māori and Pacific communities in Aotearoa and engage with these communities to be part of the research journey.

Ko e taha e ngaahi taumu’a ngāue ‘a e Maurice Wilkins Centre ko hono teu'i ha  kau saenisi  fekumi fo’ou ke nau hoko ko ha kau taki tu’ukimu’a he mala’é ni ‘i he kaha’ú.

One of the Maurice Wilkins Centre’s goals is to develop and train young scientists, who are our future science leaders.


Ko e ha hono mahu’inga? (Why does it matter?)

‘Oku makehe ‘a e Maurice Wilkins Centre he ‘oku mau fakatahataha’i mai e kau saienisi tu’ukimu’a  mei he ngaahi mala’e kehekehe ke fokotu’utu’u ha ngaahi founga fo’ou ke faito’o mo tau'i’aki e ngaahi mahaki kehekehe, ke fakalakalaka ai e mo’ui lelei e kakai kotoa pē 'i Aotearoa.

The Maurice Wilkins Centre is unique in that we bring together expert scientists from all areas of health research to develop innovative tools for fighting disease and improving overall health for all our communities in Aotearoa.

Ko e fengāue’aki fakatahatahá ni ‘oku kau mai ki ai ‘a e kau saienisi fekumi Māori mo Pasifiki pea ‘oku nau tāimu’a ‘i he fakatotolo fekau’aki mo e ngaahi tapa kehekehe ‘oku uesia ai ‘etau mo’ui leleí. ‘I he fengāue’aki mo e ngaahi komiuniti takitaha, ‘oku mau fakasio ha founga fengāue’aki ‘oku toe lelei angé mo vahevahe atu ‘a hono ola mo hono  ‘aongá.


This collaborative and unified approach includes several Māori and Pacific scientists leading research in areas that specifically affect our health. Through community collaborations we look for better ways to work together and create benefits by communicating research outcomes.