Pacific Health //


Ko hai e matakau Maurice Wilkins Centre? (What is the Maurice Wilkins Centre?)

Ko e matakau Maurice Wilkins Centre ha hā ki ai e tau pulotu kumikumi atu ke he tau puhala ke fakaholo ki mua e tau malolō tino mo e tau moui manamanatuaga he motu ko Aotearoa pihia mo e falu a kautū foki.  Kamata fakatū e matakau nai ha ko e gahua kaufakalataha he tau pulotu kumikumi mai he faahi malolō tino mo e ha lautolu a tau gahua auloa ke fakaholo ki mua e tau malolō tino he tau tagata Māori mo e Pasifika i Aotearoa.

The Maurice Wilkins Centre is a community of scientists that do research with the aim to improve health and wellbeing in Aotearoa and beyond. This community is built from a collaborative network of experts in health research, working together to develop ways to improve health and address health inequities faced by Māori and Pacific communities in Aotearoa.


Ko e heigoa ha mautolu a tau gahua? (What do we do?)

Ko e matapatu gahua he matakau Maurice Wilkins Centre nai hagaao atu ke he gagao kenesā, tau gagao mukamuka ke fakapikitia falu, mo e tau gagao ke he tino tuga e suka mo e gugu.  Fai fakaholoaga foki a mautolu ke he tau maaga kehekehe ke fakaholo ki mua e tau maamaaga ke he tau gahua he faahi malolō tino, tuga e tau fakaholoaga huki puipui, tau puhala ke moua mafiti e tau gagao ke he tino, mo e kumikumi atu ke he tau puhala tului gagao foou.  Ko mautolu kua takitaki e tau kumikumiaga atu ke he tau kakano ne tō tua ai e tau levekiaga malolō tino ke he tau tagata Māori mo e Pasifika, mo e gahua fakalataha mo lautolu ia ke he tau kumikumiaga pehē nai.  Ko e taha hagaaoaga he matakau Maurice Wilkins Centre nai ke fakaako e tau pulotu saienetisi foou ke takitaki e tau gahua pehē nai anoiha. 

Maurice Wilkins Centre research focuses on cancer, infectious diseases, and also diseases that affect our metabolism, such as diabetes and gout. We also drive community outreach to improve health literacy and raise awareness in areas such as vaccination, early diagnosis of diseases, and developing new treatments. We lead research to address significant health inequities faced by Māori and Pacific communities in Aotearoa and engage with these communities to be part of the research journey. One of the Maurice Wilkins Centre’s goals is to develop and train young scientists, who are our future science leaders.


Ko e hā ne mahuiga ai e tau gahua pehē nai? (Why does it matter?)

Mahuiga e tūaga he matakau Maurice Wilkins Centre ha kua fakamaopoopo mai e lautolu e tau pulotu kumikumi ke he faahi malolō tino ke talaga ai e tau puhala totoko atu ke he tau gagao pihia mo e fakaholo ki mua e tau malolō he tau maaga oti i Aotearoa.  Ko e gahua kaufakalataha kua kitia ai falu a pulotu Māori mo e Pasifika kua kumikumi atu ke he falu a mena kua fakalolofi mai ke he ha tautolu a tau malolō tino. Kua fakatutala mo e tau maaga ke iloa mai falu a puhala gahua kaufakalataha ke moua mai e tau monuina mo e fakapuloa atu e tau hokotaki mai he tau kumikumiaga ka taute.

 The Maurice Wilkins Centre is unique in that we bring together expert scientists from all areas of health research to develop innovative tools for fighting disease and improving overall health for all our communities in Aotearoa. This collaborative and unified approach includes several Māori and Pacific scientists leading research in areas that specifically affect our health. Through community collaborations we look for better ways to work together and create benefits by communicating research outcomes.